I have been reading a lot about the financial crisis in Greece. Many economists argue that Greece should come out of Euro to get control over the currency. It is currently not in a position to devalue the currency because its part of the union. While the other side of the coin, if Greece exits Euro and re introduce drachma, then the Greeks will go bust and have to start from scratch. Now how do we get out of it??? Simple, the Greeks have to carve out a new nation out of their existing homeland. The new nation could even be a city state, re-introduce the currency drachma in the new nation and provide a kick start to it. Major portions old Greece can remain within the new Euro. The old Greece can be lend out to the new Greece, while the growth comes into the new Greece slowly, they can be transferred to the old Greece. The Greeks can be at two places at the same time. The new Greece will have the sovereignty which they have obviously lost now and breathe some free air!! All it needs a constitution to be written that in appropriate time they have to be merged back. Whether they merge into EU or out of EU, time will decide!! Hows it?